Monday 15 May 2017

Reading Media Photographs

  • Nonverbal: In this photo, Justin Trudeau is holding a microphone with one hand.  He's holding out his other hand as if he's explaining something.  His fingers are outstretched will his arms remain close to his body.  Trudeau is purposely holding the microphone with just one hand so he can use the other to try and connect with his audience.  He keeps his arms nice and close as his he's speaking so that he seems to be explaining something logical rather than it seeming like he's out of control and flailing his arms around.
  • Facial Expressions: He's looking up and out at the audience and making eye contact. His facial expression is serious while holding a subtle smile on his face.  He's making eye contact to both literally and figuratively connect with his audience.  He's smiling to remind others of his kindness.  He's looking up at the audience so they feel like he's looking up to them while really it's the other way around.
  • Body Language: There's not much I can say about body language because he's giving a speech and there's no one near him to judge the distance he keeps from people and everyone listening in the background has been blurred out so we can't analyze the code matching.
  • People: All other people besides Justin Trudeau are blurred out.  However, he is a white male in his forties.
  • Clothing: The clothes that he is wearing is professional but not overly formal.  This is to make him seem of a greater power yet still approachable and humane.
  • Background: The background is blurred out to focus (haha) on Justin.  Although it's blurred, you can still tell that the seats behind him are packed.  Also, there's a light coming in from the side that looks "heavenly." This may be suggesting that those above us approve of him as well. Also, his wedding ring is huge and very noticeable.  having this prominent is suggesting that he is very loyal to his wife and therefore going to be loyal to his country as well.
  • Camera Angle: The camera angle is below eye level.  This is so that the audience will look up at Justin therefore creating a feeling of literally looking up to him as a leader.

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