Friday 28 April 2017

The Blog That Was Supposed to be an Essay

The advertisement I chose to analyze was an Audi commercial.

1. The audience for this advertisement was both feminists and meninists across America.  I felt there was a strong gender rivalry throughout the ad.  It was essentially about the 2016 USA federal election so the audience also has to be able to vote (over the age of 18).  Also the two main actors were white so it's fair to say their audience is mostly aimed at Caucasian citizens (because really it was the white people who voted in the wrong president).

2. I'd say this is a populist advertisement because it applied to majority of USA citizens.  It was saying it's worth it to fight for what you believe in (or who you believe in). Every of age citizen has the right to vote.  Whether they were voting for Trump or Hillary, they was someone in there fighting for your candidate. (Thus making it a populist ad).

3. To be honest I don't know specifics about the car they were selling, but I didn't need that knowledge to understand this ad.  All you need is the freaking news channel and know about the (at the time) up-coming presidential debates.  This will help you understand the meaning because the ad isn't about fighting over a car- it's about fighting for the president you want.

4. This advertisement can manipulate you into buying this vehicle if you feel strongly towards a certain candidate or even if you aren't American and believe voting is important.  It can make you think that simply by buying this car, you're a better citizen and working to help your country and defend your beliefs.

5. This advertisement is actually about the USA presidential campaign that happened last fall.  The ad came out shortly before it was time to vote.  At the beginning, it shows a messy floor with vote 2016 pins on the floor.  Some were red and some were blue.  Everything in the room had been destroyed from a fight between two people who were fighting over who should be the driver.  At the end it said choose your driver (of your country) wisely.  Also, this ad tells us that American culture can be destructive at times.  And I'll tel ya, it was certainly a blood bath after the election.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Propaganda's Influences on Us

For starters, you cannot deny that propaganda is found everywhere in our daily lives. Every single day, it shapes our decisions and our thoughts on countries and people all around the world.  Our class just finished watching a documentary about North Korea.  The documentary was supposed to show us both sides and let us decide who is telling the truth.  We see negative things in the news about North Korea all the time, but could all of it be true?  After watching the documentary I felt that we've been brainwashed.  However I felt it was this way for both parties.  I felt that everything was a lie; that there wasn't one piece of truth in any of it.  When they were showing the ways of North Korean people it seemed to be as if they were part of a dystopia that they believed was a utopia.  It showed children about the age of 5 singing songs that had been well practiced about how much they love their leader and how he takes care of them.  Do they even know who they'r singing about?  There were times when I felt each person they filmed had no way of coming up with their own thoughts because they'd been told what to believe for so long.  But then this made me think is that how some people think of us?  That we are just pieces in this one big lie? Maybe there is something we are all missing or maybe there is no truth.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

We Made Films (AKA Disasters)

Our films were an awful dread at first.  But in the end we got to laugh at the horrific acting.

By far the biggest challenge was trying to figure out the schedule; when is everyone going to film?  It was so difficult because we had limited time where every student had to simultaneously create a movie AND BE IN MULTIPLE OTHERS.
I'm sure you can see the issue.

I figured that the funniest thing about the movies was going to be the acting rather than the plot.  For the most part, this prediction turned out to be true.  But also I'm sure the audience would laugh at merely the idea of my film: Cinderella as a cyborg.

The best part about my film was the end piece.  Yes, it was a complete disaster but I 'll be able to laugh about it hopefully for years.  I've shown a few people already and they thought it was hilarious.

The editing wasn't too difficult because I was fairly familiar with iMovie but I will admit that it was time consuming.

I would attach my movie to this but there are already enough awful things that are just taking up space on the internet.

Thoughts on Excel

So the Excel assignments were the least exciting thing we've done this semester. No surprise.
Anyways, I do sort of think that it's beneficial because one day we're going to have to grow up, buy a house and pay taxes or some shit.  I'm planning on keeping some of the sheets just so I can know what I'm doing in a couple of years.  However, the chances that I can actually find them when I need them are slim to none.
In conclusion, we completed them and now they're over with until they're essential in our lives.
Hopefully these few lessons will keep us away from major debt and living on the streets in the next decade.